Piano instruction at Forte is not like anything you've ever seen before. Our strong focus on core skills (theory, technique, site-reading) will give students the tools they need to keep them playing for a lifetime. But that's not what keeps them motivated. Enter Forte's unique approach: student's are challenged to record the pieces they're learning utilizing computer recording equipment in each studio. This provides them with an unparalleled means for assessing when a piece is adequately prepared. Practicing has to be diligent and focused in order to successfully perform their pieces with no mistakes, without stopping and aligned to the steady beat of the metronome. It's really hard work. But nothing motivates like the satisfaction of a job well done. And, for students, that's where the real fun begins. Students have the freedom to transform these pieces into any style they prefer (pop, rock, techno, hip-hop, orchestral, etc). You are going to be impressed with how much their creativity will develop, along with an improvement in their musicianship.
So, they want to play guitar? And you still want them to receive a solid music education? No problem. A college trained musician will masterfully blend instruction in reading music and music theory with playing modern guitar music (jazz, rock and roll, folk, country, etc.). Study will focus on core skills (strumming, technique, theory) so that students will have the tools they need to keep playing for a lifetime. Your student is going to beam with pride as they write, mix and record personal songs or a favorite guitar riff with computer recording software. And you get all their learning documented in their semester portfolio.
So, they want to play drums? And you still want them to receive a solid music education? No problem. Drum students at Forte follow a clear pathway of instruction that blends expectations for a solid music education with a contemporary application for playing a drum set. Computer recording software will further challenge their performance skills, in addition to developing their ability to play with other people. Studying an instrument should be fueled by student passion. Let them follow their desire. And let us document for you all they've learned in their semester portfolio.
Time to direct that raw desire to sing into a focused process. Highly trained instructors coach students to develop to a higher level of musicianship. Students are unquestionably challenged with recording themselves and evaluating their performance. This is a difficult process that is extremely revealing and honest. But it delivers results. Your smile will only be outmatched by theirs, as they beam with pride and accomplishment in recording their own album on the computer recording setup in each studio.
As challenging as it may be in the beginning, the violin is a wonderful instrument for young people to study. It's important to start students off well and let them imprint good mechanics right from the start. Instruction focuses on creating a solid foundation upon which to build. In addition, instructors utilize computer recording equipment in each studio to challenge student performance and make the learning more fun and more relevant to the music of today.